Sectigo is currently experiencing degraded performance with their issuing platforms. Users will experience delays with free SSL certificates being issued or renewed as a result. You can view Sectigo's status page at We will provide further updates as they're made available.
UPDATE 3:05 PM EST: Sectigo is still experiencing degraded performance with their issuing platforms. We will continue to provide further updates as they're made available.
UPDATE 5:15 PM EST: Sectigo is still experiencing degraded performance with their issuing platforms. We will continue to provide additional updates as they're made available.
UPDATE 8:13 PM EST: Sectigo is experiencing degraded performance with their issuing platforms. We will continue to provide additional updates as they're made available.
UPDATE 9:48 PM EST: The current status from Sectigo shows the issue as ongoing We will continue to provide additional updates as they're made available.
UPDATE 11:03 PM EST: The current status from Sectigo shows the issue as ongoing We will continue to provide additional updates as they're made available.
UPDATE October 1, 2020, 10:36 AM EST: Sectigo has confirmed this issue has been resolved. If you experience further issues with AutoSSL not installing or renewing certificates properly please contact our Support team through our customer portal.