The system is experiencing issues

Past Incidents

12th November 2021

src2 :: Service Interruption is currently experiencing a service interruption. Users hosted on this server will experience service degradation as a result. Our System Operations team is investigating the root cause of this interruption. We will provide updates as more details are made available.

UPDATE 3:50 PM EST: Our System Operations team continues to work toward restoring all services. We will continue to provide updates as they're made available.

UPDATE 4:50 PM EST: Our System Operations team have resolved this matter and all services are back online at this time.

11th November 2021

[RESOLVED]VPS & Dedicated servers :: DNS Interruption

Some VPS and Dedicated servers are currently experiencing a DNS service interruption. Users hosted on the impacted servers will experience service degradation as a result. Our System Operations team is investigating the root cause of this interruption. We will provide updates as more details are made available.

UPDATE 3:51AM EST: Our System Operations team is still working on the issue, and you may experience slow performance during this time. Additional updates will be provided as they become available. We appreciate your ongoing patience and understanding.

UPDATE 4:52AM EST: Issues with DNS have been resolved. If you continue to experience any issues with the service, please do not hesitate to contact our live support for assistance. 

a2ss47 :: Scheduled Maintenance

Start Date: Friday, November 12, 2021

End Date: Friday, November 12, 2021

Time: 2:00 AM - 4:00 AM EST

Services Affected:

Description: Our System Operations team will be performing scheduled maintenance on this server. Users will experience brief service interruptions while the routine scheduled maintenance is performed.

UPD 04:25 EST:  The scheduled maintenance has been completed at this time. If you experience any issues with the service, please do not hesitate to contact our live support for assistance.

10th November 2021

[RESOLVED]Sectigo SSL Certificates :: Degraded Performance

Sectigo is currently experiencing degraded performance with their issuing platforms. Users will experience delays with free SSL certificates being issued or renewed as a result. You can view Sectigo's status page at We will provide further updates as they're made available.

UPDATE 6:53 AM EST: Sectigo is still experiencing a short-term backlog with its certificate issuance. You may experience delayed issuance until all the backlog has been cleared. We will update you accordingly.

UPATE 2:45 PM EST: Sectigo is now operating as expected. If you continue to experience issues please contact our Technical Support team directly.

9th November 2021

[RESOLVED]mi3-ts2 :: Reboot Required

Start Date: Wednesday, November 10, 2021

End Date: Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Time: 3:02 AM EST - 3:32 AM EST

Services Affected:

Description: Our System Operations team will be performing an unplanned reboot on the server to correct an issue with resource limits. Users will experience a brief service interruption while the unplanned maintenance is performed.

UPDATE 3:07 AM EST: Our System Operations team has performed the reboot and all services are back online successfully.

[RESOLVED]Sectigo SSL Certificates :: Degraded Performance

Sectigo is currently experiencing degraded performance with their issuing platforms. Users may experience issues with free SSL certificates being issued or renewed as a result. Sectigo & cPanel are working with their developers on this matter. We will provide further updates as they're made available from the vendor.

UPDATE 2:01 PM EST: Sectigo & cPanel have resolved this issue and certificates are now issuing as expected at this time.

8th November 2021

No incidents reported

7th November 2021

mi3-sr11 :: Service Interruption is currently experiencing a service interruption. Users hosted on this server will experience service degradation as a result. Our System Operations team is investigating the root cause of this interruption. We will provide updates as more details are made available.

UPDATE 08:42 PM ET: Our System Operations team have resolved this matter and all services are back online at this time.

6th November 2021

No incidents reported

5th November 2021

[RESOLVED] mi3-sr13 :: Service Interruption

mi3-sr13 is currently experiencing a service interruption. Users hosted on this server will experience service degradation as a result. Our System Operations team is investigating the root cause of this interruption. We will provide updates as more details are made available.

UPDATE 07:44 AM EDT: Our System Operations team has resolved this matter and all services are back online at this time.