The system is experiencing issues

Past Incidents

2nd August 2021

[RESOLVED] Sectigo SSL Certificates :: Degraded Performance
4 years ago

Sectigo is currently experiencing degraded performance with their issuing platforms. Users will experience delays with free SSL certificates being issued or renewed as a result. You can view Sectigo's status page at We will provide further updates as they're made available.

UPDATE As of 2:20 PM EDT today this issue looks to be resolved by Sectigo, if you're still experiencing issues with Free SSL Certificates being issued, please inform us via ticket.

1st August 2021

No incidents reported

31st July 2021

No incidents reported

30th July 2021

No incidents reported

29th July 2021

No incidents reported

28th July 2021

No incidents reported

27th July 2021

[RESOLVED] sg1-sr1 :: Service Interruption
4 years ago

sg1-sr1 is currently experiencing a service interruption. Users hosted on this server will experience service degradation as a result. Our System Operations team is investigating the root cause of this interruption. We will provide updates as more details are made available.

Update 6:23 AM EDT : Our System Operations team has corrected this issue and all services are running at this time.

26th July 2021

nl1-tr2 :: Service Interruption
4 years ago

nl1-tr2 is currently experiencing a service interruption. Users hosted on this server will experience service degradation as a result. Our System Operations team is investigating the root cause of this interruption. We will provide updates as more details are made available.

UPDATE 9:29 PM EDT: Our System Operations team have resolved this matter and all services are back online at this time.