Customer Advisory :: Phishing Emails Tuesday 18th January 2022 14:28:59

Some of our customers have received phishing emails with subject masquerading as A2 Hosting. In some cases, the email seems to have originated from users' own domain. We would like to advise our customers to process any unexpected, unscheduled email with caution especially the ones containing these characteristics below and contact our support immediately.

1- Email 'From' or 'Reply-to' that is anything other than Even one alphabet missing or changed is a red flag in this case. Even emails showing sender need to be approached with caution.

2- Requests you to share any sensitive information on any form or link.

3- If has a link that takes you to any site other than ''.

4- Asks you to pay for an unexpected invoice at any link.

Please note that we have all relevant DNS records in place to announce our authorized mailing servers and any receiving servers with basic checks should be able to mark such emails as spam/junk. However, some emails still trickle through owing to lack of strict checks at recipient mail servers and hence we want to publish this advisory in the interest of our customers' data security. We are committed towards ensuring safe and secure hosting for our customers. Please do not hesitate to reach out to our live support available 24/7 should you have any questions or concerns.